Aberdeen Supporters Club (Orkney Branch) - Est. 1981 - 2025

Aberdeen FC Supporters Club – Orkney Branch

Terms of conditions of club activities

Access to club activities

Club activities are only accessible to those with a fully paid membership for the financial year of the activity.

Members who have outstanding balances due to the club shall be excluded from all club activities until such time as they clear their balance in full.


The club shall not provide insurance for club activities arranged on behalf of the membership.

All members participating in club activities will ensure they have appropriate insurance cover including travel insurance.

Child Protection

All junior members under the age of 18 participating in any activities arranged by the club on behalf of the membership MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult.

The club are not responsible for any Junior member participating in a club activity and shall not be liable for any events detrimental to the junior member’s health and wellbeing.

Deposits & Final Payments

The club, where reasonably practical, will ask for payment in advance from the membership for any activities organised on behalf of the membership.

A deposit will be used to reserve a member’s place for any activities organised on behalf of the membership.

Failure to pay the stated deposit by the agreed date will result in member being unable to participate in the activity and the place being offered to those on any reserve list.

All deposits shall be non-refundable unless there is no financial loss to the club.

A final payment will be used to secure a member’s place for any activities organised on behalf of the membership.

Failure to pay the final payment in full by the agreed date will result in member being unable to participate in the activity and the place being offered to those on any reserve list.

Match tickets

The club shall order match tickets for Aberdeen FC matches on behalf of the membership. The club will only order tickets on behalf of fully paid members.

When ordering tickets members should state the name of all members requiring tickets. Members cannot allow non club members to use tickets ordered through the club and should order these directly From Aberdeen FC.

Standard league match ticket requests should be placed with the club a minimum of 14 days prior to the date of the match fixture. Any tickets

Order terms for tickets to European of cup ties will be advised to the membership at the first possible opportunity once Aberdeen FC advise the club of arrangements. The club shall provide notice of the order deadline to the membership. Any orders received after the stated deadline cannot be processed by the club.

The club shall take all practical steps to secure tickets on behalf of the membership but shall not be held liable for any orders that cannot be secured from Aberdeen FC.


Payment for any merchandise sourced by the club on behalf of the membership must be made for in full by the member prior to delivery. The payment terms for any such items will be 7 days from the date of order. Failure to pay the invoice within the 7 days will result in the member being excluded from any club activities until such time as the balance has been settled, unless there is no financial loss to the club.

Delivery of Match Tickets or Merchandise

It is the responsibility of the member placing an order for match tickets or merchandise to collect these items from the club.

The club shall not be responsible for delivery of match tickets or merchandise to the membership.

Postage can be arranged by the club on request. Any financial cost associated with postage shall be paid by the member.


The club shall arrange activities, travel and accommodation on behalf of the membership but shall not be financially liable for any activities organised on behalf of the membership.

The club shall not be liable for any delays, cancellations or alterations to activities, events, travel or accommodation arranged on behalf of the membership.

Members participate in all club activities as their own risk. The club shall not be liable for any death, harm or financial loss to the membership or a third party resulting from a club activity arranged on behalf of the membership.